Terms & Conditions

Wegter Grootverbruik B.V. and its affiliated entities
Article 1 - Definitions
In these general terms and conditions, the following definitions shall apply:
Wegter Grootverbruik B.V. (hereinafter "Wegter Wholesale Consumption"): the company as defined in Article 2 of these General Terms and Conditions, hereinafter "Wegter Wholesale Consumption";
2. Other Party: the Party with whom Wegter Wholesale Consumption has entered into an Agreement or who is negotiating such an Agreement with Wegter Wholesale Consumption;
3. Consumer: a natural person not acting in the course of his trade, business, craft or profession;
4. Agreement: any agreement / order between Wegter Grootverbruik and the Other Party to supply Product(s) by Wegter Grootverbruik to the Other Party;
5. Party(ies): The Other Party and Wegter Wholesale Consumption together or each as an individual contracting party;
6. Sample: an indicative sample of a/the Product(s) provided by Wegter Grootverbruik to the Other Party for the purpose of assessing the quality, color, size or other characteristics of the Product(s) to be delivered, without guaranteeing that the Product(s) ultimately delivered will correspond exactly to the Sample provided;
7. Written(s): notification by e-mail;
8. Third party/parties: natural or legal persons who are not part of the Agreement;
9. Carrier: an external party or company engaged by Wegter Grootverbruik to transport, deliver or pick up the Product(s) at the Other Party or a location designated by the Other Party;
10. Product(s): the Product(s) offered by Wegter Grootverbruik, which may include, but is not limited to, table and kitchen Product(s), garden furniture, catering supplies, cleaning supplies, office supplies, restaurant and bar supplies, hygiene and sanitary Product(s), packaging materials and catering supplies;
11. Duration Agreement: a contractual arrangement between the Parties that involves mutual obligations and is aimed at continuous performance;
12. Credit Limit: This is the maximum amount that the (business) Counterparty may purchase on account. The Credit Limit is determined on the basis of a Credit Check and is reviewed periodically by Wegter Wholesale.
Delivery Costs: the costs associated with the transportation of Product(s) from Wegter Wholesale to the Other Party, with the rates being set by Wegter's Carrier and adjusted monthly;
14. Abnormal return shipment: a return shipment of Product(s) where due to specific properties, such as the nature, characteristics and/or size of the Product(s), standard shipping methods are not applicable. This situation may result in exceptionally high return costs. In this case, estimated return costs are defined as amounts that are substantially higher than usual, with a range between certain established values. Estimated return costs fall between €50 and €1000, but may possibly - depending on the circumstances of the case - be higher.
15. Credit Check: an assessment of the creditworthiness of the Other Party, performed by Wegter Grootverbruik or a Third Party(ies) designated by them, for the purpose of determining the Credit Limit and assessing the financial risk associated with entering into an Agreement with the Other Party.
Article 2 - Identity of Wegter Grootverbruik
Company name: Wegter Grootverbruik B.V. (and the affiliated entities of Wegter Grootverbruik conducting business under this trade name);
Street name and number: Deventerstraat 11;
Postcode and place of business: 7575 Oldenzaal;
KvK number: 06061546.
Article 3 - General Provisions
1. These general terms and conditions apply to every offer and all (legal) acts of Wegter Grootverbruik and to every Agreement concluded between Wegter Grootverbruik and the Other Party.
2. If the Agreement is concluded electronically, then, in derogation from the preceding paragraph and before the Agreement is concluded, the text of these General Terms and Conditions may be made available to the Other Party electronically in such a way that the Other Party can easily store them on a durable data carrier. If this is not reasonably possible, before the Agreement is concluded it will be indicated where the general terms and conditions can be inspected electronically and that at the request of the Other Party they will be sent electronically or otherwise free of charge.
3. Unless expressly agreed otherwise and in Writing, the applicability of other general terms and conditions is excluded.
4. Deviations or additions to these general terms and conditions shall be valid only if expressly agreed upon in Writing.
5. If Wegter Grootverbruik does not always require strict compliance with these general terms and conditions, this does not mean that the provisions thereof do not apply, or that Wegter Grootverbruik would to any extent lose the right to require strict compliance with the provisions of these general terms and conditions in other cases.
6. If and insofar as any provision of these general terms and conditions cannot be invoked on the grounds of reasonableness and fairness or its unreasonably onerous nature, the provision in question shall in any case be accorded a meaning corresponding as closely as possible to its content and scope so that it can be invoked.
7. Wegter Grootverbruik cannot guarantee that the work it performs will always achieve the result desired by the Other Party. The accepted assignment leads to an obligation of effort and not to an obligation to achieve a result.
8. Wegter Grootverbruik is entitled to engage Third Party(ies) for the performance of the Agreement.
9. The effect of Article 7:404 and/or 7:407 paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code (hereinafter "BW") is/are excluded.
Article 4 - The offer
1. All offers (quotations, quotations, brochures and price lists) shall in principle be without obligation, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
2. Indien een aanbod een beperkte geldigheidsduur heeft of onder voorwaarden geschiedt, dan wordt dit nadrukkelijk in het aanbod vermeld.
3. Het aanbod bevat een volledige en nauwkeurige omschrijving van de aangeboden Product(en). De beschrijving is voldoende gedetailleerd om een goede beoordeling van het aanbod door de Wederpartij mogelijk te maken. Kennelijke vergissingen of kennelijke fouten omtrent bijvoorbeeld weergegeven bedragen binden Wegter Grootverbruik niet.
Artikel 5 – De Overeenkomst
1. De Overeenkomst komt tot stand op het moment van aanvaarding door de Wederpartij van het aanbod en het voldoen aan de (eventueel) daarbij gestelde voorwaarden.
2. Indien een bepaling van deze algemene voorwaarden of een Overeenkomst nietig blijkt te zijn of vernietigd wordt, dan tast dit niet de geldigheid van de gehele algemene voorwaarden of Overeenkomst aan. Partijen treden in overleg teneinde een nieuwe bepaling ter vervanging van de nietige c.q. vernietigde bepaling overeen te komen, waarbij zoveel mogelijk het doel en de strekking van de nietige c.q. vernietigde bepaling in acht worden genomen.
3. Wegter Grootverbruik behoudt zich het recht voor om, geen uitvoering te geven aan een gesloten Overeenkomst, bijvoorbeeld indien zij gerede twijfel of informatie heeft dat Wederpartij niet aan zijn (financiële) verplichtingen zal (kunnen) voldoen. Indien Wegter Grootverbruik weigert, dan zal zij Wederpartij binnen een redelijke termijn na het sluiten van de Overeenkomst Schriftelijk van de weigering op de hoogte stellen.
4. Het opschortingsrecht en het recht van verrekening van Wederpartij zijn uitgesloten, indien Wederpartij handelt in de uitoefening van beroep of bedrijf, tenzij de Wederpartij handelt als Consument.
5. Deze algemene voorwaarden zijn ook van toepassing op toekomstige, aanvullende en/of vervolgopdrachten.
6. Indien de Wederpartij het aanbod langs elektronische weg heeft aanvaard, dan bevestigt Wegter Grootverbruik onverwijld langs elektronische weg de ontvangst van de aanvaarding van het aanbod.
Artikel 6 – Herroepingsrecht
1. Een Consument kan een Overeenkomst op afstand of een Overeenkomst gesloten buiten de verkoopruimte zonder opgave van redenen binnen een termijn van 14 (veertien) dagen ontbinden. Deze termijn begint te lopen:
a. bij consumentenkoop: de dag waarop de Consument of een door de Consument aangewezen Derde(n), die niet de Vervoerder is, de zaak heeft ontvangen.
2. Als de aangeboden Product(en) van Wegter Grootverbruik volgens specifieke instructies worden gemaakt of op maat worden gemaakt voor de Consument, dan zijn die Product(en) uitsluitend bedoeld voor die individuele koper. Op grond hiervan is het herroepingsrecht uitgesloten voor die Product(en).
3. De in lid 2 genoemde uitsluiting gaat van kracht op het moment dat Wegter Grootverbruik zijn benodigde bestelling voor de Overeenkomst bij zijn leverancier niet meer kosteloos kan annuleren.
4. Als een Consument gebruik kan maken van zijn herroepingsrecht, dan moet de Consument zorgdragen voor retourneren van het Product.
5. Bij Abnormale retourzendingen, waarbij de aard, kenmerken en/of de omvang van de retourzending het gebruik van standaard verzendmethoden niet toestaan of de retourzending leidt tot uitzonderlijk hoge retourkosten, zullen de geschatte retourkosten tussen €50 (vijftig) en €1000 (duizend) euro bedragen. Wegter Grootverbruik zal de Consument vooraf Schriftelijk informeren over de specifieke retourkosten binnen deze range. De Consument is verantwoordelijk voor het betalen van deze retourkosten, tenzij Wegter Grootverbruik ermee instemt deze kosten geheel of gedeeltelijk voor zijn rekening te nemen.
6. Het herroepingsrecht is uitdrukkelijk niet van toepassing indien Wederpartij geen Consument is.
Artikel 7 – Uitoefening van het herroepingsrecht
1. Indien Consument gebruik wenst te maken van het herroepingsrecht, dan dient hij/zij binnen de bedenktijd dit middels het retourformulier kenbaar te maken aan Wegter Grootverbruik.
2. Consument zendt de Product(en) zo spoedig mogelijk, maar uiterlijk binnen 14 (veertien) dagen nadat hij/zij kenbaar heeft gemaakt gebruik te willen maken van het herroepingsrecht de Product(en) terug.
3. Consument zendt de Product(en) zo spoedig mogelijk, maar uiterlijk binnen 14 (veertien) dagen nadat hij/zij kenbaar heeft gemaakt gebruik te willen maken van het herroepingsrecht de Product(en) terug. Consument zendt het Product terug met alle geleverde toebehoren, indien redelijkerwijs mogelijk in originele staat en verpakking, en conform de door Wegter Grootverbruik verstrekte redelijke en duidelijke instructies.
4. Het risico en de bewijslast voor de juiste en tijdige uitoefening van het herroepingsrecht ligt bij Consument.
5. Consument draagt de rechtstreekse kosten van het terugzenden van de Product(en), ook indien er sprake is van een Abnormale retourzending.
6. Tijdens de bedenktijd zal Consument zorgvuldig omgaan met de Product(en) en zal de Consument de Product(en) slechts uitpakken of gebruiken in de mate die nodig is om de Product(en) te testen. Hierbij mag de 7. 7. Consument de Product(en) testen zoals hij/zij dat ook in de winkel zou kunnen doen.
7. Wanneer Consument in strijd handelt met dit artikel, dan is Consument aansprakelijk voor de waardevermindering en/of schade van of aan de Product(en).
Artikel 8 – Ontbinding en opzegtermijnen
1. Indien de Wederpartij een of meer van zijn verplichtingen niet, niet tijdig of niet behoorlijk nakomt, in staat van faillissement wordt verklaard, (voorlopige) surseance en/of uitstel van betaling aanvraagt, overgaat tot liquidatie van zijn bedrijf, alsmede wanneer zijn vermogen geheel of gedeeltelijk in beslag wordt genomen, dan heeft Wegter Grootverbruik het recht om de uitvoering van de Overeenkomst op te schorten of om de Overeenkomst van rechtswege en zonder voorafgaande ingebrekestelling geheel of gedeeltelijk door een Schriftelijke verklaring te beëindigen en/of te ontbinden, één en ander naar haar keuze en steeds met behoud van enig haar toekomend recht op vergoeding van kosten, schade en interesten.
2. Indien de Overeenkomst eindigt op grond van overmacht, zoals bedoeld in artikel 10 van deze algemene voorwaarden, dan heeft Wegter Grootverbruik recht op betaling van de ten tijde van de beëindiging van de Overeenkomst reeds gewerkte uren of gedane investeringen.
3. Opzegging van een Overeenkomst, indien deze een Duurovereenkomst betreft, geschiedt Schriftelijk en met inachtneming van een opzeggingstermijn van 1 (één) maand indien de Overeenkomst binnen het eerste loopjaar van de Overeenkomst wordt opgezegd. In het tweede loopjaar van de Overeenkomst moet een opzeggingstermijn van 2 (twee) maanden in acht worden genomen. Vanaf het derde loopjaar van de Overeenkomst bedraagt de in acht te nemen opzeggingstermijn 6 (zes) maanden.
Article 9 - Liability
In case the Other Party is a Consumer:
1. The total liability of Wegter Grootverbruik is limited to compensation for damages up to the amount of the fee stipulated for that Agreement (excluding VAT). In no event shall the total compensation for damages exceed the amount to be paid by Wegter Grootverbruik 's liability insurance.
2. Not limited is the liability of Wegter Grootverbruik for damages resulting from intent or deliberate recklessness of Wegter Grootverbruik.
3. Wegter Grootverbruik is responsible for the quality and conformity of the Product(s) delivered to the Consumer.
4. Should there be any defects in the Product(s) supplied by Third Party Manufacturer(s) or suppliers, Wegter Grootverbruik will make every effort to resolve the issue. This may include Wegter Grootverbruik engaging the manufacturer or supplier to fix the defect in the Product(s).
5. The Consumer has the option to report any defects or problems with the Product(s) directly to Wegter Grootverbruik.
6. However, Wegter Grootverbruik is not liable for any direct and indirect damages resulting from improper use of the Product(s) by the Consumer.
7. Wegter Grootverbruik will strive to resolve any defects in the Product(s) and/or problems in a manner that is fair and reasonable to both Parties, and will always respect the rights and interests of the Consumer as set forth in applicable law.
In case the Other Party is acting in the exercise of a profession or business:
8. Wegter Grootverbruik is not liable for indirect and direct damages. Not excluded is the liability of Wegter Grootverbruik for damages resulting from intent or deliberate recklessness of Wegter Grootverbruik.
9. If Wegter Grootverbruik can nevertheless be held liable in a concrete case, notwithstanding the provisions of this article, this applies only to direct damages. In such cases the total liability of Wegter Grootverbruik will be limited to compensation of damages up to the amount of the fee stipulated for that Agreement (excluding VAT).
10. The amount of damages shall never exceed the amount paid out by Wegter's liability insurance policy Grootverbruik .
11. If Wegter Grootverbruik can nevertheless be held liable for direct damage, then direct damage is understood to mean exclusively:
a. reasonable costs that the Other Party would have to incur to have the performance of Wegter Grootverbruik comply with the Agreement; however, such substitute damage shall not be compensated if the Agreement is rescinded by or on the claim of the Other Party;
b. reasonable costs incurred by the Other Party for keeping its old system or systems and related facilities operational for a longer period of time as a result of Wegter Grootverbruik 's failure to deliver on a final delivery date binding on it less any savings resulting from the delayed delivery;
c. reasonable costs incurred to determine the cause and extent of the damage insofar as the determination relates to damage within the meaning of these general terms and conditions;
d. reasonable costs incurred to prevent or limit damage insofar as the Counterparty demonstrates that these costs have led to a limitation of damage within the meaning of these general terms and conditions.
12. The Other Party indemnifies Wegter Grootverbruik for any claims of Third Party(ies), who suffer damage in connection with the performance of the Agreement.
13. If the Agreement is a continuing performance agreement with a term of more than 6 (six) months, the fee stipulated for that Agreement shall be set at the total of fees (excluding VAT) of the past 6 (six) months prior to the event causing damage.
14. A condition for the existence of any right to damages is always that the Other Party reports the damage In Writing to Wegter Grootverbruik as soon as possible after it arises. Any claim for damages against Wegter Grootverbruik lapses by the mere lapse of 12 (twelve) months after the claim arose.
15. Wegter Grootverbruik is not liable for damages inflicted by auxiliary persons as referred to in Article 6:76 of the Dutch Civil Code.
16. Wegter Grootverbruik is not liable for damages of any kind because Wegter Grootverbruik has relied on incorrect and/or incomplete data provided by the Customer or if the Customer has delivered such data too late.
17. Wegter Grootverbruik is not liable for any defects in Product(s) supplied by Third Party Parties or suppliers. Wegter Grootverbruik is also not liable for any damages resulting from the use of such Product(s).
18. the Customer indemnifies Wegter Grootverbruik from all claims, costs, damages and expenses arising out of or related to defects in Product(s) supplied by Third Party(s) or supplier(s).
Article 10 - Force Majeure
1. In addition to the provisions of Article 6:75 of the Dutch Civil Code a failure of Wegter Grootverbruik to perform any obligation towards the Other Party cannot be attributed to Wegter Grootverbruik in case of a circumstance beyond the control of Wegter Grootverbruik , as a result of which the performance of its obligations towards the Other Party is fully or partially impeded or as a result of which the performance of its obligations cannot reasonably be required of Wegter Grootverbruik . Such circumstances include defaults by suppliers or other third parties, shortages and/or defects in raw materials and materials with which the Product(s) must be manufactured or delivered, (power) failures, computer viruses, extreme weather conditions, fire (danger), (imminent) danger of war, pandemics epidemics, quarantines, sickness absence or disability within the organisation of Wegter and/or third parties engaged by it, strikes within or outside the organisation of Wegter, government measures, situations as a result of which delivery cannot take place, the cause of which cannot reasonably be influenced by Wegter (e.g.: weather conditions) and breakdowns of machinery and equipment. weather conditions) and breakdowns of bicycles and equipment with which Product(s) have to be transported or assembled.
2. If a situation as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article arises as a result of which Wegter Grootverbruik cannot fulfill its obligations to the Customer, those obligations shall be suspended for as long as Wegter Grootverbruik cannot fulfill its obligations. If the force majeure situation has lasted for 30 (thirty) calendar days, both Parties have the right to terminate the Agreement In Writing in whole or in part. In that case Wegter Grootverbruik shall not be liable to pay any damages, even if Wegter Grootverbruik enjoys any advantage as a result of the force majeure situation.
Article 11 - Warranty
1. Wegter Grootverbruik warrants that the Product(s) comply with the Agreement, the specifications stated in the offer, the reasonable requirements of soundness and/or usability and the statutory provisions and/or government regulations existing on the date of the conclusion of the Agreement. In addition, appropriate for the use of the Product(s) specified by Wegter Grootverbruik or that which is explicitly mentioned in the Agreement. In case of established defects, in the opinion of Wegter, Wegter Grootverbruik will take care of replacing the Product(s) free of charge or refunding the purchase price, provided that the purchased Product(s)/items have not yet been processed.
2. The warranty period for the Product(s) of Wegter Grootverbruik shall be a reasonable period.
3. What is considered "reasonable" depends on the nature of the Product(s), the cost, the brand, and the expectations created by the Other Party.
4. If a Product(s) has been supplied to Wegter Wholesale Consumption by a supplier, manufacturer, or Third Party, the warranty established by that party shall apply to that specific Product(s).
The warranty lapses and the right to repair, replacement or compensation of Product(s) is excluded if:
a. The Other Party has installed, repaired and/or modified the Product(s) delivered itself, or has had it installed, repaired and/or modified by Third Party(ies);
The delivered Product(s) have been exposed to abnormal conditions or otherwise carelessly treated or have been treated contrary to the instructions of Wegter Grootverbruik and/or on the packaging;
c. The defectiveness of the Product(s) is entirely or partially the result of regulations that the government has set or will set regarding the nature or quality of the materials used;
d. The defects or nonconformity are the result of improper use, improper storage, inadequate maintenance, normal wear and tear, or failure of the Customer to comply with the user instructions provided by Wegter Grootverbruik ;
e. The Product(s) have been stored for longer than is reasonable, given the circumstances, and it is likely that a loss of quality has occurred as a result;
f. 6 (six) months have elapsed since delivery;
g. If Wegter Grootverbruik has not received a corresponding warranty from our suppliers or manufacturers for the Product(s) or materials in question.
Article 12 - Sample
1. A Sample, as defined in these Terms and Conditions, may be provided at the request of the Other Party as an indicative sample of the Product(s) for the purpose of assessing the quality, color, size or other characteristics of the Product(s) to be delivered.
2. The Sample is provided without guarantee that the Product(s) ultimately delivered will exactly match the Sample provided. It serves only as an indicative representation of the Product(s) to be delivered.
3. Wegter Grootverbruik shall endeavor to ensure that the Product(s) ultimately delivered will correspond as closely as possible to the Sample provided. However, minor deviations in color, size, quality and other characteristics between the Sample and the delivered Product(s) are permitted, provided that these deviations are not significant.
4. Any deviations between the Sample and the Product(s) delivered shall not constitute grounds for rejection, discount, rescission of the Contract or damages, unless these deviations are substantial and have a significant effect on the functionality or appearance of the Product(s).
5. These deviations are considered non-significant if they have no appreciable effect on the functionality, usability, appearance or overall quality of the Product(s) delivered. For example, a minor color variation that does not substantially change the appearance of the Product(s) or a minor deviation in size that does not affect the usability of the Product(s) could be considered non-significant.
6. It is the responsibility of the Other Party to thoroughly evaluate the Sample before entering into the Agreement. Wegter Grootverbruik is not liable for any direct and indirect damages and/or dissatisfaction of the Other Party with the delivered Product(s) that could have been prevented by a careful assessment of the Sample.
7. Wegter Grootverbruik shall at all times have the casting vote in assessing whether deviations between the Sample and the Product(s) delivered are to be considered minor.
Article 13 - Deviations
1. Deviations between, on the one hand, the Product(s) delivered and, on the other hand, the Sample, or the Product(s) as shown on the website, brochures, price lists, etc., cannot constitute grounds for rejection, discount, rescission of the Contract or damages if these deviations are of minor significance.
2. Deviations between the Product(s) delivered, on the one hand, and the Sample, on the other hand, cannot constitute grounds for rejection, discount, rescission of the Contract or damages if these deviations are of minor significance.
3. When assessing whether deviations are to be considered minor, a representative sample from the Product(s) will be taken, unless it concerns individually determined Product(s). In the latter case, no representative sample from the Product(s) will be considered.
4. It is possible that Wegter sometimes (unknowingly) delivers slightly more or less Product(s) than the Parties have jointly agreed. This is called a more or less delivery. This is permitted, if this more or less delivery does not amount to more or less than the following percentages:
a. 10% (ten percent) for circulation up to 20,000 (twenty thousand) units;
b. 5% (five percent) for a circulation of 20,000 (twenty thousand) or more units.
5. The more or less number of Product(s) delivered will be charged to the Other Party or settled with the Other Party.
6. Wegter shall at all times have the decisive vote in assessing whether deviations from the Product(s) delivered are to be considered minor.
Article 14 - Credit Limit and Credit Check.
1. Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right to conduct a Credit Check with a (new) Party, Consumer and/or Other Party to assess their creditworthiness.
2. Based on the Credit Check, Wegter Grootverbruik may establish a Credit Limit for the Other Party, representing the maximum amount that the Other Party may open/purchase on account with Wegter Grootverbruik.
3. The established Credit Limit shall be used internally and may be revised periodically by Wegter Grootverbruik based on changes in the Other Party's financial situation or payment behavior.
4. If the Other Party exceeds or threatens to exceed the Credit Limit, Wegter Grootverbruik may take appropriate measures at its sole discretion, including suspending further deliveries or requiring advance payment or security from the Other Party.
5. Wegter Grootverbruik shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the establishment, modification or maintenance of the Credit Limit, or from the taking of measures in connection with the exceeding of the Credit Limit by the Customer.
6. The Customer must immediately notify Wegter Grootverbruik of any changes in its financial situation that may affect its Credit Limit or payment obligations to Wegter Grootverbruik.
Article 15 - Fees/Prices.
1. The primary currency used by Wegter Grootverbruik is the Euro. All amounts stated are therefore in principle in Euros, exclusive of VAT and any other levies imposed by the government, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in Writing.
2. Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right to apply an inflation adjustment 4 (four) times a year.
3. Agreed amounts are based on cost factors at the time of the offer. Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right, 3 (three) months after the conclusion of the Agreement, to pass on to the Other Party any changes in cost-determining factors over which Wegter Grootverbruik cannot reasonably exercise any control, such as increases in excise duty, social security charges, insurance premiums or turnover tax, up to a maximum of 20% of the original amount.
4. Wegter Grootverbruik is also entitled to increase the amounts, as mentioned in the offer, above the maximum of 20% as in the previous paragraph. In that case the Customer will have a right of immediate termination at the time the price change takes effect. Wegter Grootverbruik shall always notify the Other Party of such a price change 1 (one) month before the price change takes effect.
5. A composite quotation shall not oblige Wegter Grootverbruik to perform part of the Agreement at a corresponding part of the quoted amount.
6. Discounts and quoted amounts do not automatically apply to future Agreements.
Article 16 - Payment and billing
1. Insofar as not otherwise stipulated in the Agreement or additional conditions, the amounts owed by the Other Party must be paid within 14 (fourteen) days after the invoice date.
2. The Other Party has the duty to immediately report inaccuracies in payment data provided or stated to Wegter Grootverbruik .
3. If the Other Party does not timely fulfill its payment obligation(s), it will be notified of the late payment by Wegter Grootverbruik and the Other Party will be granted a period of 7 (seven) days to still fulfill its payment obligations. After the failure to pay within this seven-day period, the Other Party shall be in default. As a result, the Other Party will also owe the statutory (commercial) interest on the amount still due. In addition, Wegter Grootverbruik is entitled to charge the extrajudicial collection costs it has incurred.
4. In the case of an Agreement with a Consumer, a period of 14 (fourteen) days applies to the period in the previous paragraph of this article.
5. In case of (reasonable prospect of) bankruptcy, liquidation or suspension of payments or debt restructuring under the WSNP, the claims of Wegter Grootverbruik on the Other Party and the obligations of the Other Party towards Wegter Grootverbruik are immediately due and payable.
6. Payments made by the Other Party will always serve as settlement in the first City of all interest and costs due, in the second City of invoices due and payable that have been outstanding the longest, even if the Other Party indicates that the payment relates to a later invoice.
Article 17 - Adjusted terms of payment
1. Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right to apply adjusted payment terms for the Customer, especially in situations where there is uncertainty regarding the Customer's payment obligations. This adjusted payment arrangement involves splitting the payment of the Agreement into two parts: a down payment and a residual payment.
2. If modified payment terms apply, as indicated in paragraph 1 of this article, Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right to require a deposit upon confirmation of the Agreement. This down payment, a percentage of the total amount of the Agreement, is reasonably determined by Wegter Grootverbruik and may vary. By making this payment, the Other Party confirms acceptance of the Agreement. This then enables Wegter Grootverbruik to begin processing and delivery of the Product(s).
In the case of a Consumer, the down payment shall not exceed 50% (fifty) percent of the total amount.
3. The remaining amount of the total amount of the Agreement shall, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise in Writing, be paid by the Other Party upon delivery of the ordered Product(s). Only upon receipt of full payment shall title to the Product(s) delivered be transferred to the Other Party.
4. Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right to suspend delivery of the ordered Product(s) if the down payment or balance payment is not made in a timely manner.
5. After the first Agreement or in cases where Wegter Grootverbruik does not apply customized payment terms, the standard payment terms of Wegter Grootverbruik, as set forth in the remaining articles of these General Terms and Conditions, shall apply.
Article 18 - Delivery with Product(s).
1. Unless otherwise agreed, all deliveries are made according to Incoterms 2020, FCA (Free Carrier) from the Oldenzaal warehouse. The City of delivery is the address that the Other Party has made known to Wegter Grootverbruik . For consignments with a net goods value above € 500.00 (five hundred) euro within the Netherlands, delivery is free domicile, provided that the regular forwarder or Wegter's own transport can be used and no special conditions and/or discounts apply to the offers and/or order confirmations. For shipments outside the Netherlands, different carriage paid amounts, transportation costs and delivery times apply; these are available upon request.
2. The address City of delivery is the address that the Other Party has made known to Wegter Grootverbruik . If delivery of the Product(s) takes place from an address designated for that purpose by Wegter Grootverbruik City , by handing over the Product(s) there to the Other Party or to the Carrier engaged by the Other Party, then that City shall be deemed the address of delivery.
3. Wegter Grootverbruik is entitled to deliver in parts, or to wait with delivery until the entire order of the customer is ready. In appropriate cases this will be discussed with the Customer. In case of partial deliveries Wegter Grootverbruik is authorized to invoice the Product(s) already delivered immediately.
4. By signing the delivery note the Other Party declares to have taken delivery of the Product(s) and to have received from Wegter Grootverbruik the Product(s) described on the delivery note, under the obligation to pay
5. If delivery of the ordered Product(s) proves to be impossible, Wegter Grootverbruik will make every effort to provide the / replacement Product(s). At the latest upon delivery, but if possible even before shipment, clear and comprehensible notice shall be given that the replacement Product(s) will be delivered. The right of withdrawal cannot be excluded for the replacement Product(s). The costs of any return shipment shall be borne by Wegter Grootverbruik.
6. All delivery terms are indicative. The Customer cannot derive any rights from any terms stated. Exceeding a term does not entitle the Other Party to damages.
7. The risk of loss, destruction and/or damage to the Product(s) shall pass to the Other Party upon delivery of the Product(s), unless expressly agreed otherwise. Wegter Grootverbruik assumes the risk of breakage of glass, porcelain and earthenware and other transport damage at a separate calculation of 1% (one) of the purchase price unless the Other Party declares in writing in good time beforehand that it will bear this risk itself.
8. The Other Party is obliged to check the packaging of the Product(s) delivered upon receipt. If damage is observed, or can reasonably be observed, the Other Party must note its findings on the waybill and hold the forwarding agent liable for damage, either immediately or in good time, In Writing.
9. In order to prevent damage during transport, it may be necessary for certain Product(s) to be assembled on arrival. Any resulting costs shall be borne by the Other Party.
Article 19 - Delivery times
1. Although the stated terms of delivery will be observed by Wegter Grootverbruik to the extent possible, these are only indications and are expressly not binding on Wegter Grootverbruik . Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the stated term of delivery by Wegter Grootverbruik can never be considered a deadline.
2. The delivery time will be specified by Wegter Grootverbruik as accurately as possible. Wegter Grootverbruik will make every effort to perform within this stated time. However, the other party shall not be entitled to any damages and/or rescission in the event that the specified delivery time is exceeded, unless such has been expressly agreed upon, or if such excess is the direct and immediate result of gross negligence or carelessness on the part of Wegter Grootverbruik.
3. If the Other Party requires a specific time for delivery, which differs from the standard delivery terms, this can be requested from Wegter Grootverbruik. Additional costs may be charged for this delivery. Wegter Grootverbruik will make every effort to accommodate these requests, although it cannot be guaranteed that every request can be met. Additional costs resulting from this adjustment, such as urgent shipments or special packaging, will be charged to the Other Party. The Other Party will be informed in advance of the extent of these additional costs and must agree to them before Wegter Grootverbruik arranges the adjusted delivery.
4. Due to exceeding the delivery time, the Other Party may not cancel its order or refuse to receive and/or pay for the items (the Product(s)).
5. If the delivery term is exceeded, the Other Party shall be entitled to grant Wegter Grootverbruik a reasonable period for compliance by registered letter, which period shall in any case not be shorter than 2 (two) weeks from the date of receipt of the registered document by Wegter Grootverbruik.
6. Only after violation of the fatal term (paragraph 4), the Other Party is entitled to dissolve the Agreement. However, Wegter Grootverbruik is in no case obliged to pay any damages.
Article 20 - Return shipments
1. If the Customer wishes to return the Product(s), the Customer must first notify and contact Wegter Grootverbruik. Returns made without prior communication and approval from Wegter Grootverbruik will not be accepted. Product(s) that have been partially or completely processed, damaged, or whose packaging is missing or damaged are not eligible for return.
2. The Customer is fully responsible for the cost of return shipping and/or Abnormal return of the defective or non-conforming Product(s). However, Wegter Grootverbruik will, in consultation with the Customer, try to find a favorable solution, such as reimbursing part of the return costs, providing replacement Product(s) without additional shipping costs, or offering compensation. However, Wegter Grootverbruik is not obliged to make these compensations to the Other Party.
Article 21 - Changes in delivery costs
1. Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right to periodically adjust delivery charges based on its Carrier's rates. Such adjustments generally take place City at the end of the month.
2. Wegter Grootverbruik shall clearly and prominently display the amended delivery charges on its website and in any other relevant communication channels, so that the Other Party is aware of the current delivery charges before the Other Party places an order.
3. The amended delivery charges shall apply to all orders placed after the new rates take effect. Orders placed before the effective date of the amended rates will still be billed based on the delivery charges that were applicable at the time the order was placed.
4. The Other Party must pay the delivery fee as part of the payment for their order. Failure to pay the delivery fee may result in delay or suspension of delivery of the ordered Product(s).
Article 22 - Complaints
1. The Other Party can no longer claim a defect in the performance if it has not protested to Wegter Grootverbruik within 2 (two) months after it has discovered or reasonably should have discovered the defect. If the Customer discovers that the Product(s) delivered do not comply with the Agreement, are defective or damaged, the Customer must notify Wegter Grootverbruik in writing within 14 (fourteen) days after delivery, stating a clear description of the problem.
2. If and insofar as nothing has been expressly agreed with regard to the quality, the Other Party may only claim a quality in accordance with what is normal and customary in the trade in the goods concerned.
3. The Other Party must give Wegter Grootverbruik at least 4 (four) weeks to resolve the complaint by mutual agreement.
4. If an Other Party fails to report a complaint to Wegter Grootverbruik within the stipulated periods of the foregoing provisions, the product is deemed to comply with the Agreement and to function in accordance with the Agreement. If the Other Party fails to report defects or non-conformity within the stipulated period of two weeks, the right to claim repair, replacement or compensation shall lapse.
5. Complaints do not suspend the Other Party's payment obligation if the Other Party is acting in the course of a profession or business.
6. The Other Party is obliged to check the packaging of the delivered goods upon receipt. If damage is observed or can reasonably be observed, the Other Party must note its findings on the consignment bill and hold the Freight Forwarder liable for damage in writing immediately or in good time.
Article 23 - Transfer
1. Rights and obligations of the Other Party under this Agreement cannot be transferred without the prior Written consent of the other party. This provision counts as a clause with effect under property law as referred to in Article 3:83 paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
Article 24 - Retention of title
1. Ownership of all goods sold and delivered by Wegter Grootverbruik to the Other Party will remain with Wegter Grootverbruik:
a. as long as the Other Party has not paid claims arising from the Agreement or previous or later similar Agreements;
b. as long as the Other Party has not paid the work performed or to be performed under these or similar Agreements;
c. and as long as the Other Party has not yet satisfied the claims of Wegter Grootverbruik due to failure in the performance of such obligations, including claims relating to penalties, interest and costs, all as referred to in Article 3:92 of the Dutch Civil Code.
2. the Other Party is not authorized to pledge or otherwise encumber the items subject to retention of title.
3. Wegter Grootverbruik will be entitled to unhindered access to the Product when exercising the retention of title. The Other Party shall grant Wegter Grootverbruik all cooperation in order to enable Wegter Grootverbruik to exercise its retention of title by repossessing the Product, including any disassembly required for that purpose. The Other Party hereby unconditionally and irrevocably consents to Wegter Grootverbruik or a Third Party to be appointed by Wegter Grootverbruik , in all cases in which Wegter Grootverbruik wishes to exercise its ownership rights, to enter all those places where the property will then be located and to take those items with it.
4. If the Other Party has obtained ownership of the goods delivered under retention of title by accession or mixing and the Other Party has not yet paid the claims referred to in paragraph 1, the Other Party shall be obliged at Wegter Grootverbruik 's request to transfer ownership of the delivered goods back to Wegter Grootverbruik. If this requires the establishment of a right of superficies as referred to in Article 5:101 of the Dutch Civil Code, the Other Party is obliged to cooperate.
5. If third party(ies) seize the goods delivered under retention of title or wish to establish or assert rights thereon, the Customer shall be obliged to notify Wegter Grootverbruik as soon as may reasonably be expected.
Article 25 - Intellectual property
1. All intellectual property rights relating to and/or resulting from the Agreement executed by Wegter Grootverbruik rest with Wegter Grootverbruik. The Other Party only acquires the non-exclusive and non-transferable rights of use expressly granted by these general terms and conditions and the law. Any other or further rights of the Other Party are excluded.
2. The documents provided to the Other Party by Wegter Grootverbruik are intended exclusively for the use of the Other Party. The Other Party is not permitted to disclose and/or reproduce information obtained in any form whatsoever. This includes editing, selling, making available, distributing and integrating - whether or not after editing - into networks, except that such disclosure and/or reproduction is permitted In Writing by Wegter Grootverbruik and/or such disclosure and/or reproduction arises from the nature of the Agreement with Wegter Grootverbruik.
3. Unless otherwise agreed, the Other Party is not authorized to grant sub-licenses to Third Party(ies).
4. Wegter Grootverbruik has the right to use the name and logo of the Other Party as a reference or promotion.
5. The Other Party indemnifies Wegter Grootverbruik against claims of Third Party(ies) regarding intellectual property rights.
6. If the Other Party violates paragraph 1 of this provision, the Other Party, regardless of whether the violation can be attributed to the Other Party and without prior notice of default or court proceedings, shall immediately owe a penalty of €20,000 (twenty thousand) Euros for each violation. Furthermore, for each day that the violation continues, the Other Party shall owe a penalty of €250,- (two hundred and fifty) euros per day, up to a maximum of €50,000,- (fifty thousand) euros. These fines are immediately due and payable and are without prejudice to the other rights of Wegter Grootverbruik, including the right to claim damages in addition to the fine.
Article 26 - Management
1. Wegter Grootverbruik offers the Other Party the opportunity to create a personal account on its website. When creating an account, the Other Party will receive unique login information to access their account.
2. The Other Party is responsible for carefully keeping their login credentials and keeping them confidential. Wegter Grootverbruik is not liable for any damages resulting from unauthorized use or access to the Other Party's account due to the loss or unauthorized sharing of login credentials by the Other Party.
3. Through the personal account(s), the Other Party can place orders, view their order history, view their invoices and update their personal information.
4. The customer must keep their account information current and accurate and notify Wegter Grootverbruik promptly of any changes in their contact information or other relevant information.
5. Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right to deactivate, suspend or terminate accounts if the Customer violates these Terms and Conditions or there is reasonable suspicion of fraud, abuse or unauthorized activity in connection with the account.
6. Wegter Grootverbruik is at all times entitled to make changes in the technical facilities with respect to the Product(s) and/or the website and other facilities and reserves the right to discontinue/remove technical facilities and/or website if it causes a malfunction and/or delay of the system and/or website.
7. The other party will act and behave in accordance with what may be expected of a responsible and careful user of the website.
8. The Other Party is always responsible for any use - including unauthorized use - made of the user and access rights granted to it. The Other Party will take appropriate and reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized use. The Other Party is not allowed to share user and/or access rights with Third Parties.
9. The customer shall follow the instructions given by Wegter Grootverbruik for the use of the website at all times.
10. Wegter Grootverbruik is entitled to change the non-technical facilities of its Product(s) and/or website.
11. A change that in the reasonable opinion of Wegter Grootverbruik requires a substantial, non-temporary, adjustment on the part of the Customer, will be announced to the Customer as soon as possible. The Other Party may not claim compensation or damages, but is entitled to terminate the Agreement with effect from the day of the announced change.
12. Wegter Grootverbruik reserves the right to suspend/remove technical facilities if they cause a malfunction or delay of the system. Wegter Grootverbruik assesses whether there is such a malfunction or delay and may, without prior notice to the customer, block the technical facilities and/or website, or take other measures to eliminate the malfunction or delay. The Other Party will never be entitled to damages or compensation under these circumstances.
13. Wegter Grootverbruik is entitled without prior notice to temporarily take its website and/or facilities out of use or to restrict their use to the extent necessary for reasonably necessary maintenance or for necessary adjustments or improvements to be made by Wegter Grootverbruik to the Product(s) and/or website without giving rise to any right to damages or compensation from the Customer to Wegter Grootverbruik .
Article 27 - Confidentiality
1. Confidentiality of all confidential information, which the Other Party has obtained from Wegter Grootverbruik in the context of the Agreement, is mandatory for the Other Party. Information is confidential if this has been communicated by Wegter Grootverbruik or if this reasonably follows from the nature of the information.
2. If the Other Party violates paragraph 1 of this provision, the Other Party, regardless of whether the violation can be attributed to the Other Party and without prior notice of default or court proceedings, shall immediately owe Wegter Grootverbruik a penalty of €20,000 (twenty thousand) Euros for each violation, regardless of whether actual damage has occurred. Should the violation continue, the Other Party shall owe an additional penalty of €250,- (two hundred and fifty) euro per day, up to a maximum of €50,000,- (fifty thousand) euro. These fines are immediately due and payable and may lead to immediate dissolution of the agreement. This is without prejudice to the other rights of Wegter Grootverbruik, including the right to claim damages in addition to the fine.
Article 28 - Employee clause
1. During the term of the Agreement, as well as for 1 (one) year after termination thereof, the Other Party shall not, except with the prior Written consent of Wegter Grootverbruik, employ or otherwise, directly or indirectly, allow employees of Wegter Grootverbruik who are or have been involved in the performance of the Agreement to work for it.
2. Where applicable, Wegter Grootverbruik shall not withhold the relevant consent if the Other Party has offered appropriate indemnification. Adequate indemnification is defined as at least compensation of 10 (ten) monthly salaries.
3. Upon violation of the provisions of this Article, the Other Party shall owe Wegter Grootverbruik an immediately due and payable penalty of €50,000 (fifty thousand euros) per violation, without prejudice to Wegter Grootverbruik 's right to additionally claim performance and/or full damages.
Article 29 - Exclusivity
1. For the duration of the Agreement the Customer grants to Wegter Grootverbruik the exclusive right to perform the assigned Agreement.
2. The exclusive right assigned in the Agreement may be waived if Wegter consents thereto In Writing.
Article 30 - Applicable law and choice of forum
1. Agreements between Wegter Grootverbruik and the Other Party shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law.
2. Disputes between the Parties will be resolved as much as possible through proper consultation. All disputes between the Other Party and Wegter Grootverbruik shall be settled exclusively by the competent court in the district where Wegter Grootverbruik is located.
3. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods) is expressly excluded.
Article 31 - Survival
1. The provisions of these general terms and conditions and the Agreement which purport to retain their validity after the termination of the Agreement shall remain in full force after the termination of the Agreement.
Article 32 - Amendment or addition
1. Wegter Grootverbruik is entitled to unilaterally amend or supplement these General Terms and Conditions. In that case Wegter Grootverbruik will timely notify the Customer of the amendments or additions.
2. Between this notification and the entry into force of the amended or supplemented terms and conditions there will be at least 30 (thirty) days.
3. If the amendment gives Wegter Grootverbruik the authority to provide a performance that differs substantially from the promised performance, the Consumer has the right to refuse the amended terms and conditions or to rescind the Agreement.